Sunday, February 15, 2009

Since Peanut Butter is on a hiatus right now... Almond Butter is so good and wont kill you with salmonella....

16 miles are D.O.N.E.....
may have ran a little extra tonight and got lost in the getto but it sure felt great after we were done!!!

Stuffed peppers!!!
so easy quinoa, spinach, onion, tomato, almonds= yumm!!!

Quinoa pronounced KEEN-wah or KEE-no-uh
this is the new SUPER food...
LOADed with PROTEIN and gluten free!!

London's Run in Queen Creek 1/2 marathon done!


Carly and her 3 adorable kids came to help cheer us on as we used this race to qualify for the DC Marthon. It was at Schnepf's Farm. I need to go back and go peach picking!!!