Saturday, January 26, 2008

This was before the race, it was freezing...
Cooper and Elle made us a sign and waited a long time for us to run by
Mile 20, it was really great to see Cassie's family here, just 6 more to go
We did it!!

Well I set the year off right by knocking out 26.2 miles in the Arizona Rock & Roll marathon. I ran it with my friend Cassie. I never would have been able to make it with out her!!!! We only got up to 14 miles in out training. With different schedules, some knee injures and 30 degree tempters to work with made it difficult at times. In fact I flew there thinking we were going to skip the race or at the very least run in the half marathon. Well when Cassie and her sister picked me up from the airport, she said we are doing it! I'm so glad we did. There was so much excitement in the air the day of the race. I was feeling pretty good until about mile 7. That's when I questioned myself on what in the world I was doing, there was so many more miles to go. Cassie uploaded music on are ipods, the night before. Their were some great songs that were good to run to, and others that entertained me and gave me a bolt of energy. Around mile 23 /24 I was having trouble. By then my legs were like caring heavy weight as I ran. Their was pain but just ignored it. Their was no way I would quit now. The finish line was almost there. Cassie and I ran the whole 26.2 miles together and finished in 5 hours and 5 minutes. I love to tell people that we beat Katie Holmes time when she ran her NYC marathon. We did amazingly well, Thank you Cassie for pushing me when I needed the little push. This was her first marathon and I'm so proud of you. You did amazing!!! Now that the high is over and pain gradually subsided, it's sad to see all those memories fade off in the distance. Although we just saw the movie The Spirit of a Marathon. Which I can say was inspired to run the Chicago Marathon next!


JJ said...

You are a ROCKSTAR! I am so impressed that you ran a marathon! Way to go! Hope you are feeling better! ;)