Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Farm

One funny story of the farm I remember is when I was about 10 years old. It was summer, hot and we just drove 14 hours from California. Right when we drove up all the cousins and uncles ran up saying "come follow us to watch the calf be born!" All I remember is standing with about 10 people around the barn all watching the cow give birth. The next thing I remember, I'm laying on the ground in hay and dry manure! I can't believe no one saw me pass out/ faint/ whatever I was down for the count. I can remember walking into the farm house by myself and my mom asking where have I have been? I remember being mad that no one saw me laying in dry manure...

No more dairy cows. It's like a ghost town without them. Now there are only beef cows with one purpose in life... Sad. I don't think I can eat any meat after seeing these cute little baby cows.

This is where I first learned to drive... a tractor

I love the old dairy farm my Mom grew up on in Rupert Idaho. It brings back so many great memories. It has been years and years since I've been there. We went back for a little family reunion for the 4Th of July, all my mom's brother and sister's were there.


The Chatterton Family said...

I miss the farm, I think it would be sad to return and see it so empty.
BTW- those are some amazing pictures!

JJ said...

Love the photos! ANd love the fact that you know how to drive a are amazing! Sometimes, places like the farm should stay exactly like we remember them and not grow up...I love your memories!

Natalie said...

Shelly I would have noticed you fainting and caught you before you fell into the stincky cow maniure. PS: I love the picture of you in front of the barn...

The Jensen Family said...

You look right at home down on the farm. You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl!!:)

Millicent said...

I've been to Rupert, ID! Are you impressed? Such a quaint little town. Miss you!

Nissa said...

I recall you telling me that story Shell. You fainted before, remember on the way home from getting candy. I made you lay down for hours tell my mom got home. Hope your having a fun trip, can't wait to hear all about it.

Matt and Jessica Stevenson said...

I would pass out too if i had to watch a cow giving birth! You got some good pics.